Terms Of Participation / Information

Eligibility Rules

State and private Nursery schools, Primary schools, Secondary schools, Foreign Language Centres as well as Foreign languages departments of colleges are eligible to apply.

Entries Submission

All entrants must submit their entry through the www.eltexcelleceawards.gr platform choosing the relevant category.

A step by step application process

  1. Visit eltexcellenceawards.gr and create your account
  2. Login to your Account page here
  3. Fill out your company details. If you are submitting an entry on behalf of a public school, select the corresponding button under personal details.
  4. Select the number of categories you will be submitting entries for.
  5. Fill out your invoice data (the school or organisation’s data if your are submitting on behalf of your school or establishment)
  6. Visit the My Account page and click on the Submit a new entry link to start filling out your entry.
  7. The View/Edit all your entries link allows you to go back and edit your entries.
  8. Deposit the corresponding amount to one of our bank accounts and email a copy of the deposit slip to: ioanna.m@eltnews.gr

Entry Checklist

You will need the following to complete your entry

A submission text of no more than 500 words addressing the key criteria set out for the relevant category

Ensure that your submission contains sufficient robust information. Please include relevant facts and figures where possible. Some categories may ask you to include details of a particular initiative or initiatives; please think carefully about these and select those that best showcase your expertise.

Media – ready Synopsis

An executive summary of no more than 100 words describing the results and benefits of your project. The media ready synopsis may be used on the website of the Awards, during the Awards ceremony and in the forthcoming issues of ELT NEWS.


5-10 high resolution landscape photos (300 dpi) relevant to your entry and the category you are entering. These will be used as part of the AV presentation of the Awards ceremony, so choose photos that you are proud to display.

Video skits

Include 1 video of no more than 3 minutes per entry, showcasing what you do in your school and how this benefits your students. The video skit could be a live teaching session, a role play, a group or pair work, a debate, a presentation of a project, a theatrical show, etc. Please note that the judges want to see in what way students participate in the activity and how they express their thoughts and ideas in the English language.


You can add additional facts, figures or supplementary information in the form of graphs in order to back up your entry. You may include up to 4 (<10MB each) files in .pdf format.

Tips on Entering

Read the criteria and make sure you answer each point. The judges use the criteria points as a basis for their scores.

By following the criteria you stand a better chance of scoring high and make the judges’ job easier!

Enter the right categories.

To start, look through the categories carefully and choose the most relevant to you. This will give you a better chance of winning.

Don’t exceed the word limit (500 words).

Check everything carefully.

Many entries include errors – mainly spelling or grammatical errors.

Good presentation pays dividends.

Busy judges are inevitably attracted to easy to-read, neatly laid out entries. Some of the better submissions include simple, summary bullet points. The best presented entries often incorporate a range of photographs, charts or graphs and other visual material.

Submission Fees

Single entry: 210 € + 24% VAT
2-5 entries: €180/entry + 24% VAT
5+ entries: €160/entry + 24% VAT

Public Schools

Public schools of primary, secondary or tertiary education are entitled to one free entry.

Tickets to the Awards Ceremony

Each participating institution is entitled to 2 tickets for the Awards Ceremony.

Judging Process

Judging Committee rates the applications
(rating scale 1-10). The average score of all judges determines who gets the gold, silver or bronze award in each category

Shortlist announced and applicants notified of their nomination

Award Ceremony (Date to be announced)

Assessment Criteria

Judges will assess entries based on the following:

20% Vision, 30% Methodology & Implementation, 20% Creativity & Innovation, 30% Impact & Benefits